Wednesday 14 January 2009


The following conversation is about Slumdog Millionaire

Sudarshan says:
how is it

Enigmatic Karan says:
apparently amazing

Sudarshan says:
wat do u think abt it

Enigmatic Karan says:

Sudarshan says:
u dint think abt it

Enigmatic Karan says:
have to see it to make a judgement

Sudarshan says:
u still havent seen it

Enigmatic Karan says:
I dont know anybody who has

Sudarshan says:
wat abt u

Enigmatic Karan says:
I havent.

Sudarshan says:
wat do u think abt d movie

Enigmatic Karan says:
I dont even know what its about man >_>

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
so is it gud

Enigmatic Karan says:
It should be

Sudarshan says:
wat do u think

Enigmatic Karan says:
I dont even know what its about man <_<

Enigmatic Karan says:
I just know its winning awards and acclaim wherever it goes

Sudarshan says:
ohhhh its a confusin movie huh

Sudarshan says:
but ive red d buk

Enigmatic Karan says:
Theres a book?

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
Q & A

Enigmatic Karan says:

Sudarshan says:
u dint no

Enigmatic Karan says:
its a questions and answers book?

Sudarshan says:

Enigmatic Karan says:
Like I just said, I know nothing about it!

Sudarshan says:
d name of the buk is Q&A

Enigmatic Karan says:

Sudarshan says:
common it cant be dat confusin a movie man

Sudarshan says:
u dit understand d movie

Sudarshan just sent you a nudge.

Enigmatic Karan says:
I havent seen the movie.

Enigmatic Karan says:
What part of that is so hard to understand?

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
i dunno u tell me

Sudarshan says:
ur d 1 saying its confusin

Enigmatic Karan says:
I've been telling you all conversation long,
"I havent seen the movie." "I dont even know what its about."

Enigmatic Karan says:
How does that imply the story is confusing man? >_>

Sudarshan says:
i dunno man ur d 1 sayn dat

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
if u undrstood d movie.......

Enigmatic Karan says:
I never said the word confusing!

Sudarshan says:
u can just say so

Enigmatic Karan says:
I havent SEEN the movie >_<

Enigmatic Karan says:
How the hell am I supposed to understand it?

Enigmatic Karan says:
I have to SEE it to UNDERSTAND it! >_<

Sudarshan says:
then y r u sain its confusin

Enigmatic Karan says:
I never said the word confusing.

Sudarshan says:
sto assumin things man

Enigmatic Karan says:
wtf? you're the one assuming >_<

Sudarshan says:
so u understud d movie then

Enigmatic Karan says:
*sigh* I havent seen it. =/

Enigmatic Karan says:
Wait, let me spell it out for you.

Sudarshan says:
so how is it

Enigmatic Karan says:
I do not even have a faint idea as to what the content of the movie is about.

Sudarshan says:
then y did u just say "i dint evn use dword confusin"

Enigmatic Karan says:
I have seen no trailers, no promotional clips, no interviews or anything else of the sort.

Sudarshan says:
ohhhh so if u dont no d bakground u cant understan it huh

Enigmatic Karan says:
In addition, I have not read any synopsis of the movie.

Sudarshan says:
dats ok ive red d buk

Enigmatic Karan says:
Therefore, I do not have any idea as to what the storyline may contain and would have to watch the movie to understand it.

Enigmatic Karan says:
Does that make sense to you now?

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
u dint understand d movie ryt

Enigmatic Karan says:

Sudarshan says:
thats y ur rytin such big sentences

Enigmatic Karan says:
*sigh* Are you really this dense?

Sudarshan says:
me or u

Sudarshan says:
u keep changin ur minf

Sudarshan says:
"i dint understand"...... "it not confusin"

Sudarshan says:
decide man

Sudarshan just sent you a nudge.

Enigmatic Karan says:

Enigmatic Karan says:
Lets go over the wonderful facts.

Sudarshan says:

Enigmatic Karan says:
I have NEVER used the word confusing or even understand for the matter.

Sudarshan says:
sou dont hv any clue wat happend in d movie

Enigmatic Karan says:
Here, in points:
a) I have not seen the movie.
b) I have not seen, read or heard of any promotional items related to the movie.
c) I just know its won awards.
d) You're dense.

Fun, wasn't it?


  1. Yeah. Hilarious.


  2. ROFLMAO! ahahahahahahahaha!

  3. its quite a good movie actually.

  4. Where do you get that kind of patience from btw? =P

  5. that was very awkward.

    --- sameera

  6. tht was hillarious mate!
    tht cheered me up!
    keep writin

  7. CYOA eat Q&A books, btw.
