Thursday 25 June 2009


My self-confidence and self-esteem are at an all time low. I have no freaking clue why. Well, fine I do know why but I just can't bring myself around to really accept it or whatever. >_<
Hope is silly. Silly hope. I wish I could just take a few emotions, crunch them up and throw them away. So much simpler. I'm so not me right now. I need my confidence. I need my awesome. =/

Wednesday 18 February 2009

It's My Birthday

It's my birthday and I've turned eighteen. =/

It was a relatively modest birthday. In fact, it was not extravagant at all. How unlike me. Unfortunately this may be a sign that I am in fact... *shudder* growing up...

This birthday was well... a birthday... nothing really happened... and well... it's sunk in that I'm eighteen and well I'm eighteen. It's no big deal. It's well... ah... I refuse to try to explain!

Much Love,

Saturday 24 January 2009

The Farewell

With our farewell fast approaching pretty much everyone is talking about it. For some reason the big question is, "What will you be wearing?"

So anyway, after asking a whole bunch of people what I should wear it appeared that I had decided to get a tux. However, life doesn't always work out how you want it to. So when I brought up the topic to my parents they decided for me in 5 minutes flat without even letting me suggest anything.

The conversation went something like this,

KD: Hey mom... what do I wear to the farewell?
Mom: Ask your dad.
KD: Ugh...
Mom: *Calls Karan's dad over*
Dad: Wait! I know! You can wear jeans and a t-shirt.
KD: Seriously...
Mom: He can't wear that.
Dad: Fine, I have an idea.
*Skip to parent's bedroom. Dad hands down his old coat to me. Pretty nifty.*
KD: Pretty nifty.
*Skip back to Karan's room.*
Mom: You'll need pants!
KD: I just have black pants.
*Mom pulls out a green jacket.*
Dad: That's a jacket.
Mom: Oh... right... pants...
*Mom searches. Finds nothing.*
KD: It's with the suit.
Mom: Right!
*Gets the pants.*
KD: Now for t-
Dad: He can wear a t-shirt with that.
KD: What? No! I nee-
Mom: No. He should wear a shirt.
*Mom starts to pull out shirts I've never seen before in my life.*
Dad: I like this one.
KD: I don't...
Mom: No, no. This white one.
Dad: No. This one with the big buttons.
Karan: Can I wear this biege one instead? ._.
Mom & Dad: O... k... a... y...

And thats the story of how I'll end up going to our farewell wearing this...

The point is that down the years it won't matter what we wore that day. All that'd matter is that we were together, doing the crack things that we do.

Who knows... it may just be the last time we get to do something this large for quite a while...


Tuesday 20 January 2009


Er... yeah... so anyway, I've decided what the story shall be about. I'll start it in the coming days. The genre is going to be a mix of everything, so in other words,


I'd have coded that to make it look more impressive but I'm lazy as hell. Anyway, with that out of the way let's start talking about me again, shall we?

The other day I kinda had a fight with my folks. They got angry because they thought I wasn't studying. With the help of paperwork, timely photographs and even a video I was able to prove them wrong (Don't ask about the paperwork...) and therefore both of them called me up the next morning from their respective workplaces to apologize. ._.

That incident reminded me I'm growing older and becoming more and more paranoid. =D
Honestly, I really believe I'm being stalked. More on that later though.


Wednesday 14 January 2009


The following conversation is about Slumdog Millionaire

Sudarshan says:
how is it

Enigmatic Karan says:
apparently amazing

Sudarshan says:
wat do u think abt it

Enigmatic Karan says:

Sudarshan says:
u dint think abt it

Enigmatic Karan says:
have to see it to make a judgement

Sudarshan says:
u still havent seen it

Enigmatic Karan says:
I dont know anybody who has

Sudarshan says:
wat abt u

Enigmatic Karan says:
I havent.

Sudarshan says:
wat do u think abt d movie

Enigmatic Karan says:
I dont even know what its about man >_>

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
so is it gud

Enigmatic Karan says:
It should be

Sudarshan says:
wat do u think

Enigmatic Karan says:
I dont even know what its about man <_<

Enigmatic Karan says:
I just know its winning awards and acclaim wherever it goes

Sudarshan says:
ohhhh its a confusin movie huh

Sudarshan says:
but ive red d buk

Enigmatic Karan says:
Theres a book?

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
Q & A

Enigmatic Karan says:

Sudarshan says:
u dint no

Enigmatic Karan says:
its a questions and answers book?

Sudarshan says:

Enigmatic Karan says:
Like I just said, I know nothing about it!

Sudarshan says:
d name of the buk is Q&A

Enigmatic Karan says:

Sudarshan says:
common it cant be dat confusin a movie man

Sudarshan says:
u dit understand d movie

Sudarshan just sent you a nudge.

Enigmatic Karan says:
I havent seen the movie.

Enigmatic Karan says:
What part of that is so hard to understand?

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
i dunno u tell me

Sudarshan says:
ur d 1 saying its confusin

Enigmatic Karan says:
I've been telling you all conversation long,
"I havent seen the movie." "I dont even know what its about."

Enigmatic Karan says:
How does that imply the story is confusing man? >_>

Sudarshan says:
i dunno man ur d 1 sayn dat

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
if u undrstood d movie.......

Enigmatic Karan says:
I never said the word confusing!

Sudarshan says:
u can just say so

Enigmatic Karan says:
I havent SEEN the movie >_<

Enigmatic Karan says:
How the hell am I supposed to understand it?

Enigmatic Karan says:
I have to SEE it to UNDERSTAND it! >_<

Sudarshan says:
then y r u sain its confusin

Enigmatic Karan says:
I never said the word confusing.

Sudarshan says:
sto assumin things man

Enigmatic Karan says:
wtf? you're the one assuming >_<

Sudarshan says:
so u understud d movie then

Enigmatic Karan says:
*sigh* I havent seen it. =/

Enigmatic Karan says:
Wait, let me spell it out for you.

Sudarshan says:
so how is it

Enigmatic Karan says:
I do not even have a faint idea as to what the content of the movie is about.

Sudarshan says:
then y did u just say "i dint evn use dword confusin"

Enigmatic Karan says:
I have seen no trailers, no promotional clips, no interviews or anything else of the sort.

Sudarshan says:
ohhhh so if u dont no d bakground u cant understan it huh

Enigmatic Karan says:
In addition, I have not read any synopsis of the movie.

Sudarshan says:
dats ok ive red d buk

Enigmatic Karan says:
Therefore, I do not have any idea as to what the storyline may contain and would have to watch the movie to understand it.

Enigmatic Karan says:
Does that make sense to you now?

Sudarshan says:

Sudarshan says:
u dint understand d movie ryt

Enigmatic Karan says:

Sudarshan says:
thats y ur rytin such big sentences

Enigmatic Karan says:
*sigh* Are you really this dense?

Sudarshan says:
me or u

Sudarshan says:
u keep changin ur minf

Sudarshan says:
"i dint understand"...... "it not confusin"

Sudarshan says:
decide man

Sudarshan just sent you a nudge.

Enigmatic Karan says:

Enigmatic Karan says:
Lets go over the wonderful facts.

Sudarshan says:

Enigmatic Karan says:
I have NEVER used the word confusing or even understand for the matter.

Sudarshan says:
sou dont hv any clue wat happend in d movie

Enigmatic Karan says:
Here, in points:
a) I have not seen the movie.
b) I have not seen, read or heard of any promotional items related to the movie.
c) I just know its won awards.
d) You're dense.

Fun, wasn't it?

Sunday 11 January 2009

Random Stuff + Poll

Alright then, let's get started. Now I'm going to have random points of interaction through out the whole story where I'll let you pick what will happen next. So first things first, let's get started with the genre.
What would you like to see?
1) Horror
2) Adventure/Fantasy
3) Adventure/Sci-Fi
4) Romance
5) Fictitious Biography
6) Every Day Life Drama Thing
Let me know however you want and I'll get started once I've recieved some sort of a response.

Anyway, on another note, I'm really confused about a whole bunch of things at the moment. Things are going alright on the friends front. I've got a new phone, Sony Ericsson G900. It's well awesome. =D

I'll be done with school once and for all on the 24th of March. Mixed feelings about it but I'm more or less looking forward to it now. College, new chapter and all that! =P
I've also been watching way too much How I Met Your Mother. I haven't touched my guitar in quite a while and for whatever reason I just don't feel like it. =/

Yes, my head is very foggy atm and I'm not really focused on anything which is why I suppose I haven't elaborated on anything I've written here. Ah well, you folk are going to find this interesting anyway. Why? I dunno but I just reckon you will! >_>


Saturday 10 January 2009

It's Story Time!

Since I love all of you I have decided to write a story dedicated to all of you. I'll begin work on it tonight. At present I have no idea how long or short it will be but all I shall confirm is that it will exist.

Much love,